DUO Financial was founded in 2013 with the desire to build a better world by helping people in a genuine way.

We seek partnerships with well-intentioned companies so that together we can build more successful and profitable business.
We are specialists who propose complete solutions for financial outsourcing, helping our clients to manage capital and raise funds.
+ Administrative and financial management
+ Budget preparation
+ Debt restructuring
+ Mentoring/board membership
Fernanda Nunes Terracini

Maggie A. Peart

Sandra Gonçalves

Carlos Eduardo Lins

Electrical Engineer graduated from Poli-USP with an MBA in Business Management from FGV and Specialization in Finance from FIA-USP.
He started his career as a Trainee at BankBoston in SP and assumed roles in the Credit, Leasing and Corporate Bkg areas. He worked in the Corporate and Large Corporate of ABN AMRO, Santander and Votorantim Banks, as Banker and Commercial Superintendent, both in SP and in the 3 main cities of the northeastern region of Brazil.

Luiz joined Duo in 2018. He concluded a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration at Insper in 2019 and is currently doing an MBA in Finances in the same institution. He has experience with strategic planning, financial analysis, projections, economic reports and business finances.
Amanda T. Lima

Av. Pres. Juscelino Kubitschek, 1327 - 4o andar – Conjunto 41 - Itaim Bibi, São Paulo - SP, CEP: 04543-011

Duo Financial Planejamento e Apoio Administrativo LTDA | CNPJ: 18.706.759/0001-50
Todos os direitos reservados © 2022.